In Greek mythology Styx (Styx) is the deity and the river that forms the border between Earth and the Underworld. Its meaning was so dark that later the word "Stygian" referred to something dark, sad and dark. Stygian is the ultimate mix between a survival knife and a tactical knife, a knife designed to get you through hell and survive. Its two different grinding zones allow you to endure the most difficult or the most precise tasks without any effort. The Stygian's performance is optimal in all types of situations, whether you're out in the fields or looking for a big, scary tactical knife, the Stygian is a safe bet.
Seadusest tulevate nõuete ja teie enda ohutuse huvides müüme me nuge ainult 18+ klientidele. Me jätame endale õiguse kliendi tellimus tühistada, kui meil on alust arvata, et klient on alaealine ja ei ole meile tõestanud vastupidist.
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